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Homepage Centra Bord 100

Expansion modules

Centra Bord 100

Increased functionality of boiler automatics

Module CENTRA BORD 100  incerase functionality of BRAGER's boilers automatics by giving ability to connect two additional mixing valves. 



Signle module gives ability to control two heating circuits operated by: mixing valves, circulating pumps and indoor thermostats.

Module is automaticly spotted after connecting to each of BRAGER company devices. It's full configuration is possible from boilers automatics. Moreover basic parameters can be handle by internet connection as well as through indoor pannels.

Boiler automatics allows connection of up to two CENTRA BORD 100 modules which means handling four additional heating circuits.

Key advantage of module is having an extra expansion slots for BRAGER company's devices to expand network.

Najważniejsze zalety regulatora:

  • Ability to connect two additional heating circuits

  • Steering work of two mixing valves

  • Steering work of two central heating pumps

  • Ability to connect two independent indoor thermostats

  • Extra connection slot to connect in device in BRAGER network

  • Independent housing


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Boiler controllers
Remote control
Exhaust gas analysis

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